Terms & Conditions

Royal Club 條款及細則

本條款及細則(「本條款及條件細則」)管轄 Royal Club 及其會員計劃的運作及管理。Royal Club 為會員提供平台,提供不同的優惠和服務, 包括以 Royal Club 客制化市場資訊和產品及認可服務(見下文定義)的會籍。Royal Club 會員可以獲得由Royal Club 或旗下公司或合作伙伴所提供之各項優惠及指定服務 (認可服務),惟須受本條款及條件細則及其他不時透過不同通訊方式向會員公佈或通知的其他相關條款約束。

每位成為 Royal Club 之會員即表示他/她已:

* 閱讀、明白並接受本文所載的所有條款及細則;
* 閱讀、明白並接受以引用的方式納入本文的 Royal Club 網站使用條款(載於
www.royalclub.com.hk 內);
* 閱讀、明白並接受本條款所載的所有條款及細則及 Royal Club 私隱聲明所陳述就其個人資料的收集、使用、保留及查閱的安排。Royal Club 私隱聲明可於指定網站瀏覽;
* 接受 Royal Club 可對本條款及細則與 Royal Club 私隱聲明於任何時候作出修訂、更改或補充,以滿足 Royal Club 當時需要和發展及其活動。繼續參與會籍即表示接受該等修訂、更改或補充;
* 同意維持 Royal Club 服務的有效用戶身分(如適用),直至 Royal Club 會籍終止為止;
* 承擔保持瞭解 Royal Club 透過不同途徑所公佈的所有有關條款、條件及政策的責任。

1. 加入 Royal Club

資格 - 所有年滿十八歲或以上人士均可加入 Royal Club。

註冊。個人可通過在 Apple App Store 或 Google Play Store 下載應用程序申請加入 Royal Club。申請須經 Royal Club 批核,其決定將為最終且絕對不受約束。在任何情況下,Royal Club 均不會提供申請不予受理的原因。若遞交的申請沒有提供所有需要的資料及個人資料,或在遞交的申請中提供虛假或不準確的資料, 該申請將不被批核,及/或若會籍已獲批核,該會籍會被視為終止。Royal Club 有權向擁有該等被視為終止的會籍的有關人士扣回、追討及/或廢除要給予或已給予的優惠(如有)。
任何認可服務的客戶需先成功登記並啟動由 Royal Club 營運的服務,否則其
Royal Club 會籍申請將不予受理。

會籍及優惠 - Royal Club 的會籍是以個人帳戶基礎獲得並持有。除了個人會員所產生的合資格的消費之相應優惠(詳見本文第 2、第 3 和第 4 條),部分獲
提名享用企業優惠之會員可享升級優惠。有關企業優惠,詳見本文第 7 條。


等級 - Royal Club 會籍分為三個級別(銀、金及黑),各級別的會員享有不
同級別及種類之優惠。一旦成功申請及啟動 Royal Club 會籍,用戶一律會被賦予銀色會籍。

Royal Club 可不按現行的會籍資格的準則邀請任何人成為某特定級別的會員。


對於所有會籍等級變更,Royal Club 擁有全權決定權。在決定任何會籍等級變更時,不論變更的方向,Royal Club 可能會考慮各種不同因素,包括但不限於認可服務上的消費和繳費記錄、以及Royal Club 不時收集、匯編、生成或持有的其他數據。


Royal Club 可賦予特選企業某些有關 Royal Club 會籍之優惠。此等特選企業可
提名指定數目的被提名人,只要被提名人成功登記 Royal Club 個人會員後, 便享用有關優惠。

Royal Club 每日曆年會通知特選企業有關優惠的詳情,包括被提名人會籍級別之分配,以及根據分配的級別可享用相應的優惠的被提名人的數目。除非得到 Royal Club 允許,被提名人必須是特選企業的正式員工。企業每日曆年可

享用 Royal Club 相關的優惠。

若被提名人已不再為有關特選企業之員工,被提名人須通知並促使該企業盡快通知 Royal Club,該等被提名人將隨之失去其享用有關 Royal Club 的企業優惠之權利。為避免疑慮,該等被提名人的個人會籍連同相應之會籍優惠並不

被提名人須為自己有關使用 Royal Club 的優惠時之操守與行為負責,因為被提名人的行為、不作為、疏忽或魯莽而造成之所有損失和損害,被提名人須向 Royal Club 會員及 Royal Club 之職員或代表等作出賠償,並使 Royal Club 獲



取消會籍 - 若 Royal Club 認為適當,或有關會員作出以下行為或出現以下情
- 作出不適當、欺詐、濫用或敵對的行為;
- 違反或觸犯適用於 Royal Club 的條款及細則;
- 參與 Royal Club 或使用 Royal Club 的優惠時作出任何不當行為或違法行為, 包括於登記、換領優惠時提供欺詐性的資料;
- 被宣布破產;
- 在沒有 Royal Club 明確准許下,從事或有意從事任何 Royal Club 產品及服務買賣行為;或
- 身故。
所有未換取的 Royal 積分及其他優惠會即時作廢,且不得恢復。Royal Club 對於因上述原因而帳戶被終止的會員將不承擔任何責任。
一般而言,Royal Club 不接受任何已取消帳戶的前會員提出的會籍申請。


本節及 Royal Club 私隱聲明,就 Royal Club 收集、保留、處理或以任何方式處理個人資料有關的私隱事宜的責任及政策提供資料, 詳情可瀏覽www.royalclub.com.hk。該私隱聲明特別列出於香港特別行政區私隱法律下應負的責任。Royal Club 相信條例中保護個人資料的原則對個人資料的保障不遜於
世界各地的有關法例。因此,在可行的情況下,Royal Club 會執行這些原則及

當 Royal Club 的運作受制於香港特別行政區以外的私隱法例時,本節將在可
行並與該法例相符的情況下實施。如欲索取有關遵守條例及其他私隱法例的資料,請致函 Royal Club 私隱聲明所列的地址聯絡保障資料主任。

所有收集、儲存、傳送及其他處理或使用的所有個人資料,必須遵照條例規定的責任及要求處理。成功登記後,為使 Royal Club 運作,會員將委託 Royal Club 作為代理人在有必要時及有需要時,存取 Royal Club 旗下提供有關服務
並將該等資料儲存於 Royal Club 的會員帳戶內。所述的資料包括但不限於所選購服務的類型、用量、發票、地理數據、付款細節及所有由會員於任何時候所登記並儲存於服務帳戶內的個人資料。會員有責任透過委託 Royal Club 向服務公司反覆核實、檢查及更正個人資料(包括聯絡資料、服務公司所提供的服務的有關資料(如:發票、餘額)、香港身份證號碼及其他旅行證件),
以確保該等個人資料為最新及準確,直至 Royal Club 的會籍被終止。


直至會籍被終止,會員同意(除非已另行通知 Royal Club)透過 Royal Club 使用會員的聯絡資料及地理定位數據接收 Royal Club 以任何形式發出的通知、通訊、市場營銷和其他性質的資訊,包括有關電訊服務、電腦周邊產品、配件和軟件、秘書服務、個人助理服務、資訊服務、遊戲、運動、音樂、美容產品、電子產品、科技、電子商務、手機付款、旅遊、銀行、金融、投資、娛樂、電視、交通、家居、時尚、餐飲、煙酒、保險、教育、健康及保健、社交網絡、媒體及高端消費類產品及服務的禮品、折扣、特別優惠、優惠及其他宣傳資訊,不論所述產品及服務由哪一方供應或提供。會員確認 Royal Club 的商業夥伴(並因此所述產品及服務)或會不時變更,會員將不會就該等更改而收到個別通知,但會
員可透過指定通訊方式向 Royal Club 就該等資料作出查詢。

Royal Club 於其營運期間,會使用某些個人資料,並以有需要的範圍為限(例如:以驗證及審計),向有關

如 cookies 已用於收集有關 Royal Club 網站和應用程式的訪客的資料,您的電腦或裝置上的 cookies 或類似追?工具或將用於個人化您的用戶體驗及/或在多個網頁及/或互聯網時域上維持您的身份。我們的網站和應用程式的最初設置為接受 cookies。您可以透過更改您的網絡或流動瀏覽器設置以選擇停用或刪除 cookies 歷史;然而,如果您這樣做,您可能會發現我們的網站及/或我






8.1 我們的網站上所有內容、用戶內容、設計、文字、圖像及其他材料的知識產權權利,及其選取或安排由我們擁有、控制或獲許可。嚴禁任何未經事前書面批准的授權使用。
8.2 我們的網站中所有商標、產品名稱及公司名稱或標誌為我們的財產或其各自擁有人的財產。我們並無就使用任何該等商標、外觀、產品名稱、公司名稱、標誌或稱號給予批准,而該等使用或會構成侵犯持有人的權利。


修改 - Royal Club 的運作、組成成分、內容和常規管理的模式可在任何時候

Royal Club 之結束 - Royal Club 可於向所有現有會員作出六個月事先通知後結束。所有會員須於該結束前使用所有 Royal 已購買的產品及服務。 Royal Club 結束當日,任何剩餘並未使用之已購買的產品及服務會被視為作廢,Royal Club 就此將不向有關會員或任何其他人士承擔任

所有權變更 - Royal Club 可於任何時候轉讓所有權及/或 Royal Club 的營運予任何人士而不個別地向會員作出通知。在該轉讓期間,並為確保暢順過渡,閣下保留於 Royal Club 的個人資料將受新擁有者及/或營運者的管理。

優惠受可供應情況及修改影響 - Royal Club 的所有優惠、設施、特惠、獎勵及服務受可供應情況所影響,並或會隨時變更而不作另行通知。

不得銷售或轉讓 - 在不損害 Royal Club 取消會籍的權利的原則下,除非已獲 Royal Club 明確批准,從 Royal Club 所收到的優惠不得用作銷售、交換其他物品或轉讓。任何未經批准的轉讓、銷售或物品交換
將被作廢。Royal Club 保留權利向涉及該等交易的會員及其他人士索取賠償

不承擔第三方產品產生的責任 - 會員從 Royal Club 所收到的優惠可包含由第三方供應的產品或服務。會員使用該等產品須自行承擔風險, Royal Club 將不就有關使用者所蒙受的任何人身受傷或財產損害承擔任何法律責任。

不作任何保證或聲明 - 就透過或由 Royal Club 所提供的商品或服務的類型、質量或適用性,Royal Club 不作任何明示或暗示的保證或聲明。

不就行為、錯誤或遺漏承擔責任 - Royal Club 不就以下情況或行為負責:(a) 任何會籍申請、通訊、換領要求或處理優惠一般行政的遺失、誤導或接收上的延遲;(b) 優惠換領被盜或未經授權的優惠換領;(c) 第三方的任何行
為或遺漏;或 (d) 有關優惠描述、資料及兌換率的發表上的任

條款的闡釋 - 每當適用的時候,Royal Club 有全權酌情權決定所有條款及細則(包括在此所載的條款及細則)及規則的闡釋,而其決定將為最終。
若出現任何與 Royal Club 有關的爭議,Royal Club 的決定將為最終,並俱約束力。如本條款及細則的英文版本與任何翻譯版本有任何歧義,一概以英

豁免 - Royal Club 放棄追究違反 Royal Club 的任何特定條款的行為,將不構
成 Royal Club 放棄追究任何先前或隨後違反同一條條款的行為。除非 Royal Club 明確地以任何官方渠道宣布,在任何情況下,Royal Club 不會放棄追究的權利。

責任限制 - Royal Club,或職員
或代表,將不就任何類型(不論是基於合約法、侵權法或其他 Royal Club 所產生或以任何方式與之相關的理由)的任何直接、間接、特殊、懲戒性、懲罰性、附帶或引起的損失、損害、支出承擔任何法律責任,不論該等損失、損害、支出是否因疏忽或其他原因所導致,亦不論 Royal Club 對引致索償的情況是否有任何控制
為避免疑慮,本條款及細則並不免除因疏忽而導致的人身傷亡的法律責 任。在法律容許的最大範圍內,法規或其他所明示或暗示的所有條款,均不適用。
Royal Club 會盡力確保商業夥伴提供的產品及服務獲得供應,但不會就商業夥伴未能提供該等產品及服務所引起的任何損失承擔責任。當會員使用商業夥伴提供的服務,該等服務的條款及細則將會適用,Royal Club 不就任何損失承擔責任。

第三者權利 - 除服務公司外,任何其他人士無權於香港法例 623 章《合約
(第三者權利) 條例》下,執行此條款及細則,以及其他適用於 Royal Club 的條款,亦不能享有任何上述條款所授予的利益。

法律及司法管轄權 - 此條款及所有適用於 Royal Club 的條款及細則須受香
港法律管轄。任何 Royal Club 所引起或與 Royal Club 有關的爭議將根據香港

最後更新:2021 年 11 月 1 日

Terms and Conditions of Royal Club

These Terms and Conditions of Royal Club (“these Terms and Conditions”) govern the operation and administration of Royal Club and its membership program. Royal Club is a loyalty program operated, which provides a platform offering its members various benefits, products and services including the redemption of designated goods and services, tailored marketing and management of members’ accounts of qualifying services (see definition below).

A member of Royal Club will be able to receive and/or redeem various benefits offered by or
selected services (“qualifying services”) supplied by affiliates of the Royal Club or “Products & Services Providers” or “Business Partners” through Royal Club subject to these Terms and Conditions and other relevant terms which may be announced or notified to members from time to time by different means of communication.

All customers who are registered with the qualifying services agreed to these Terms and Conditions specified of the subscribed services and are also required to have and maintain an active service account registered with Royal Club. Regarding the handling of all contact and account related information by Royal Club, please see Clause 5 hereof.

Each member of Royal Club agrees that he/she has:

* read, understood and accepted all the terms and conditions contained in these Terms and Conditions;
* read, understood and accepted the Terms of Use of the website of Royal Club (available on www.royalclub.com.hk ) which are incorporated by reference herein;
* read, understood and agreed to the arrangement with respect to the collection, use, retention, access of his/her personal information set out in these Terms and Conditions and also to Royal Club Privacy Statement which is accessible through the designated website(s);
* accepted that these Terms and Conditions and Royal Club Privacy Statement may at any time be amended, modified or supplemented to suit the contemporary needs and

development of Royal Club and its activities, and that continued participation in the membership will constitute an acceptance of such amendment, modification, or supplementation;

1. Joining Royal Club

1.1 Eligibility. Royal Club membership is open to all individuals who are aged 18 or above.

1.2 Enrollment. An individual may apply to enroll in Royal Club through downloading the Application in Apple App Store, or Google Play Store. Application is subject to approval by Royal Club whose decision shall be final and absolutely unfettered. Under no circumstance would any reason for refusing application be given. Any application submitted without the providision of all required information and personal data, shall not be appoved and/or if membership has been granted, such membership shall be deemed terminated. Royal Club shall have the right to clas back, seek redress and/or invailidate benefits paid or to be paid (if any) to such individuals whose memberships are deemed terminated.

1.3 Membership and Benefits. Royal Club Membership is acquired and held on an individual accoutn basis. In addition to the benefits corresponding to the eligible spending (please refer to Clasues 2, 3, 4 hereof for relevant information) incurred by the individual members, some members are entitled to upgraded benefits as a result of being nominated to receive corporate benefits. For information about corporate benefits, please rfer to Clause 7 hereof.

2. Tiers of Membership

2.1 Types. There are 3 tiers (Silver, Gold and Black) of membership of which the respective members are entitled to different levels and categories of benefits. Upon successful activation of membership in Royal Club, all users will be immediately granted with the Silver membership.

Royal Club has the right to invite any individual to become a member in a particular tier without following any contemporary scale of membership qualification.

All tier movements are subject to the sole discretion of Royal Club. In determining any tier movement in any direction, Royal Club may take into account various factors including, but not limited to, your subscription of services, redemption activities, spending and bill payment history on qualifying services, as well as other data collected, compiled, generated or held by Royal Club from time to time.

2.2 Other Terms. Other terms and conditions as announced by Royal Club through its websites or other means of communication from time to time may apply.

3. Special terms applicable to corporate benefits

3.1 Royal Club may grant certain benefits related to Royal Club membership to selected corporations. These selected corporations will be entitled to assign a designated number of nominees to receive the benefits after the designated nominees have successfully registered with Royal Club as individual members.

3.2 The selected corporation will be notified of the details of the benefits every calendar year, including the tier of membership allocated to the nominees and the number of nominee who is/are entitled to use the benefits corresponding to the tier allocated. Unless otherwise permitted by Royal Club, the nominees must be individuals who are official employees of the selected corporations. The selected corporation can change the nominees once per calendar year.

3.3 The right for the nominee in connection with the use of any Royal Club benefits will commence after the completion of the required registration procedures which include the collection of the personal data of the nominee.

3.4 The nominees shall inform and procure the selected corporations to inform Royal Club as soon as practicable in case of any cessation of the employment status of the nominees with the corporations and such nominees will thereupon lose all his/her rights to the corporate benefits in connection with Royal Club. For avoidance of doubt, the individual memberships together with the corresponding Royal Club benefits of those nominees will not be affected as a result.

3.5 The nominees shall be liable for the conduct and behavior of their own in relation to the use of any benefit in Royal Club and shall indemnify and keep Royal Club indemnified from all losses and damages caused to Royal Club, members of Royal Club, its staff or representatives as a result of any action, inaction, negligence or recklessness of the nominees.

3.6 If the membership tier allocated to a nominee out of corporate benefits is different from the membership tier allocated to the nominee through his/her own personal membership registration, the nominee will be entitled to receive benefits as a member of the upper tier, but not of both.

4. Cancellation of membership

4.1 Cancellation of Membership. A membership with Royal Club will be cancelled if Royal Club thinks just, or if the member has:

- acted in an inappropriate, fraudulent, abusive or hostile manner;

- breached or violated the terms and conditions applicable to Royal Club;

- engaged in any misconduct or wrongdoing when participating in Royal Club or when using Royal Club’s benefits & services, including the provision of fraudulent information in registration etc.

- been declared bankrupt;

- engaged or intended to engage in any plan or conduct of buying or selling Royal Club products & services without explicit permission from Royal Club; or

- passed away.

All other benefits will be forfeited immediately and the same cannot be reinstated. Royal Club shall owe no liability to the members whose accounts are cancelled because of the reasons aforesaid.

4.2 In general, Royal Club will not accept any application for membership by previous members whose accounts had been cancelled.

5. Personal Data

5.1 This Clause and Royal Club Privacy Statement (www.royalclub.com.hk) provide information on the obligations and policies of Royal Club in relation to the privacy issues associated with the collection, retention, processing or handling of personal data by Royal Club. The Privacy Statement specifically addresses the obligations in respect of the data privacy laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (“Hong Kong”). Throughout these Terms and Conditions, the meaning of the term "personal data" is as defined in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (“Ordinance”).
5.2 Where Royal Club's operations are subject to privacy legislation other than that of Hong Kong, then this Clause shall be applied so far as practicable and consistent with such local legislation. For further details on the compliance with the Ordinance and any other privacy legislations, please refer to the Data Privacy Policy as listed in our website (www.royalclub.com.hk).

5.3 All collection, storage, transmission and other handling or usage of personal data shall be done in accordance with the obligations and requirements of the Ordinance. Upon successful registration, members appoint Royal Club as an agent in accessing account and non-account information retained or controlled by the companies of Royal Club (“the Service Companies”) which provide the relevant services, and storing such information in Royal Club membership account whenever required and necessary for the operation of Royal Club. The said information includes but is not limited to the types of services subscribed, usage, invoices, geographical data, payment details and all personal data stored in the service accounts which members have registered at any time. Until the membership with Royal Club is terminated, members is obliged to keep the personal information (including contact information, information relating to the service provided by the Service Companies such as invoices and balances, Hong Kong Identity Card number and other travel documents) updated and accurate by entrusting Royal Club to cross-check with the Service Companies, inspect, and correct such information.

5.4 Members allow the Service Companies to access all the information stored in their membership account to ensure all contact information, identifying particulars and information relating to the services provided by the Service Companies are up to date and accurate. Members also allow Service Companies to access and handle their membership account for purpose of offering products and services purchased by members.

5.5 Until the cessation of membership, members agree (unless otherwise notified to Royal Club), to receive notifications, newsletter, marketing and other nature of information delivered through Royal Club in whatever format through the use of the members’ contact information and geolocation data including notice of gifts, discounts, special offers, benefits and other promotions related to products and services provided by Royal Club and its Service Providers, including but not limited to telecommunications services, computer peripheral, accessories and software, secretarial services, personal assistance services, information services, gaming, sports, music, beauty products, electronics, technology, e-commerce, mobile payments, traveling, banking, finance, investment, entertainment, television, transportation, household, fashion, food and beverages, alcohol and tobacco, insurance, education, health and wellness, social networking, media and high-end consumer products and services, regardless of by whom the said products or services are supplied or provided. Members acknowledge that the business partners of Royal Club (and hence the said products and services) may vary from time to time and that they may not be notified on individual basis about such changes. Members can however check with Royal Club for such information through visiting Royal Club’s website at www.royalclub.com.hk

5.6 Royal Club in the course of its operation, will use and disclose to the extent necessary (e.g. for carrying out verification and audit) certain personal data to its affiliations / relevant merchants or Service Providers and/or Business Partners.

5.7 Where cookies are used to collect information about visitors of Royal Club’s websites and apps, cookies or similar tracking tools on your machine or device will be used to, for example, personalise your user experience and/or maintain your identity across multiple webpages and/or Internet sessions. Our websites and apps are initially set up to accept cookies. You can opt-out of or delete historical cookies by changing the settings on your web or mobile browsers; however, if you do so, you may find that certain features on our websites and/or our apps may not work properly.

6. Website Links

6.1 Certain links (including hyperlinks) in our APP and website will lead you to leave our website. The link is provided for your convenience only, and the inclusion of any link does not imply our support or endorsement of the linked website, its operator or its content. We are not responsible for the content of any website other than our own channels.

7. Indemnity

You will indemnify and hold us (including our affiliates and subsidiaries, as well as our and their respective officers, directors, employees, agents) harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable legal fees, made by any third party due to or arising out of your breach of this User Agreement, your improper use of our Services or your breach of any law or the rights of a third party.

8. Intellectual Property

8.1 The intellectual property rights of all content, user content, design, text, images and other materials on our website, and their selection or arrangement are owned, controlled or licensed by us or from our service providers or business partners. Any authorized use without prior written approval is strictly prohibited.

8.2 All trademarks, product names and company names or logos on our APP and/or website are our property or the property of their respective owners. We have not approved the use of any such trademarks, appearance, product names, company names, logos or titles, and such use may constitute an infringement of the rights of the holder.

9. Other Principles

9.1 Modification. The mode of operation, composition, contents and general administration of Royal Club may be changed at any time, for any reason and without the members individually notified.

9.2 Termination of Royal Club. Royal Club may be terminated with six (6) months' advance notice to all active members. All members shall then within the period before the termination consume all the products & services purchased or subscribed within Royal Club. Any non-redeemd or completed products and services will be forfeited and in respect of which Royal Club shall owe no liability to the members or to any other persons.

9.3 Change of Ownership. Royal Club may at any time transfer the ownership and/or operation of Royal Club to any persons without notifying all members individually. In the course of such transfer and for the purpose of ensuring a seamless transition, your personal data retained with Royal Club will be subject to the administration of the new owner and/or operator.

9.4 Benefits Subject to Availability and Modification. All benefits, amenities, offers, awards and services of Royal Club are subject to availability and may be changed at any time without notice.

9.5 No Sale or Transfer. Without prejudice to the right of Royal Club to cancel a membership, no benefits received from Royal Club shall be sold, bartered or transferred unless it is explicitly approved by Royal Club. Any unapproved transfer, sale or barter will be void. Royal Club reserves the right to claim against the members and other persons involved in such trading for damages and compensation.

9.6 No Liability Arising from Third Parties Products. The benefits that members can receive from or through Royal Club may contain products or services supplied by third parties. The consumption of those products shall be at the members' own risk and Royal Club shall not be liable for any personal injury or property damage suffered by the users.

9.7 No Warranties or Representations. Royal Club makes no warranties or representations, either expressed or implied with respect to type, quality or fitness of goods or services provided by or through Royal Club.

9.8 Not Responsible for Acts, Errors, or Omissions. Royal Club is not responsible for:
(a) any loss or misdirection of, or delay in receiving, any membership application, correspondence, redemption requests, or general administration of handling benefits; (b) theft or unauthorized redemption of benefits; (c) any acts or omissions of third parties; or (d) any errors published in relation to the description of the benefits.

9.9 Interpretation of Terms. The interpretations of these Terms and Conditions and all other terms and conditions applicable to Royal Club shall be at Royal Club’s sole discretion and decisions which will be final, binding and conclusive. In the event of any dispute in connection with Royal Club, Royal Club’s decisions will be final, binding and conclusive. In the event of any discrepancy between the English version and any translated version, the English language version will prevail.

9.10 Waiver. A waiver of breach of any specific term of Royal Club will not constitute a waiver of breach of other terms or a waiver of any prior or subsequent breach of the same

term. Under no circumstance will there be any waiver from Royal Club unless such waiver is explicitly communicated in any official channel.

9.11 Limitation of Liability. Royal Club or any company, staff or representative of Royal Club shall not in any way be liable for any direct, indirect, special, exemplary, punitive, incidental or consequential loss or damage or expense of any kind, whether based on contract, tort or otherwise which arise out of or are in any way connected with Royal Club, and whether such loss, damage or expense is caused by negligence or otherwise, and whether Royal Club has any control over the circumstances giving rise to the claim or not.

For the avoidance of any doubt, nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall exclude liability for death or personal injury caused by negligence. All terms expressed or implied by statute or otherwise are hereby excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.

Royal Club will endeavour to ensure the availability of products and services provided by partners but will not be liable for any loss arising from the failure by partners to provide such products and services. Where a member uses the services provided by a business partner, their terms and conditions will apply and Royal Club will not be liable for any loss.

9.12 Third Party Rights. Save for the Service Companies, no other party has any right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Chapter 623, the Laws of Hong Kong) to enforce these Terms and Conditions and all other terms and conditions applicable to Royal Club and/or to enjoy any benefit under these Terms and Conditions and all other terms and conditions applicable to Royal Club.

9.13 Choice of Law and Venue. These Terms and Conditions and all other terms and conditions applicable to Royal Club shall be governed by the laws of Hong Kong and any disputes arising out of or related to Royal Club will be resolved in private in accordance with HK law through mediation and/or arbitration held within Hong Kong.

Last updated: 1 Nov 2021